Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23rd - Second Day of Transplant Chemo

I started my 4 days straight days worth of chemo yesterday morning. But I am also still suffering greatly from the two weeks of radiation. Things are getting harder. I'm not going too lie, but tell it as it is, no sugar-coating here. It has been challenging. But the nurses have been good about keeping my pain and nausea under control. I have severe radiation burns all over my upper chest and neck. When they finally put the new catheter in on Tuesday they used a large amount medical tape and dressing so when the tape had to come off yesterday, so did a lot of my skin. That of part my shoulder and neck are very painful and raw. The docs are a little concerned that I have so many burns and open skin wounds on my body but there is not much to do more then keep it as covered and protected as much as possible.

Swallowing has gotten down right impossible. They have me pretty heavily medicated to get me to swallow. Even water feels like needles going down my throat. I also have a lot of swelling and burning in my chest. I now have a PCA pump (I think it stands for "Patient controlled analgesia"). It works great cause it gives me a low dose of pain meds around the clock so I never wake up in horrific pain. Then there is a button that I can push whenever needed which gives a slightly higher dose to take the edge off, especially to swallow pills and meals.

Of course, this means I am feeling a lot more than fuzzy in the head lately (also there is chemo-brain too) and if you have emailed me, texted me or sent me a facebook message and I haven't been quick to respond to you because I'm eitherly heavily sedated or just plain sleeping through the pain.

BTW, this is either an alien transformer trying to abduct me from my hospital bed or just a harmless IV pole... you decide :)


  1. I cant imagine how all that must feel. Two days down already though, that's got to be a bit of a milestone. You're almost there. pretty soon each day will be a day of recovery and feeling just a little bit better than the day before. We're all thinking of you.
    Hang in there.

  2. Just keep moving forward and getting through this the best you can. Im thinking of you constantly, praying for you daily and missing you terribly!

  3. Hi Jessica, It's good that they are staying ahead of the pain and nausea and that you are able to just sleep and relax as much as possible. (If I were you I would be making good use of that button lol) Although it's probably hard to believe right now, before you know it the worst parts will be over and then you will start to feel better and better each day instead of worse. :-) I'm praying for things to go as smoothly as possible over the next few weeks. ~Sandy

    PS - alien transformer. But a friendly one :-)

  4. Hey Girl, it's James from club! I know it's tough, but you know're golden! One of the things that helped me is I would put my head under the blanket, not talk to anyone and keep plugging meds! I know the swallowing is rough, but a nurse gave me a sour ball and it was a minor miracle in the form of a hard candy. I know it seems crazy, but worth a try. Sometimes the little things are what counts.

    Most important is to keep up your spirits. I know it sounds like a cliche, but without positive thoughts where would we all be?

    Keep kickin' ass, cuz you're doing great! We miss you terribly, and can't wait to see you back at Gilda's soon. And if any of those doctors give you a hard time, call me up and I'll come down there and punch them all in the head!


  5. Hey Jess...
    Diane from the club....sending prayers and lots of love your way. Keep using those happy meds to keep that pain and nausea away! One good've missed some wicked snow storms!!! If you are up to it...we'll try to give you a buzz during the meeting tomorrow...STAY POSITIVE and DON'T you DARE GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO THIS! One day at a time. I will keep those prayers flowing. LYL Diane

  6. C'mon Jess! We are all pulling for you! Do it!!

  7. Hey Jess,
    Diane from the club. Thinking about you and hoping that today is a better day for you! WE ARE SAYING THOSE PRAYERS ON YOUR BEHALF! Keep positive and kick butt! The NIKE pledge...JUST DO IT!!!! MUCH LOVE>>> Diane

  8. Hey Jess,

    You don't know me really at all and kind of as a result, I don't know what you would want to hear from me right now so I'll just tell the truth.

    You are an amazing person. You have the strength + heart to do this. And also, you're incredibly inspiring.

    Sending you my thoughts + prayers from 5,000 miles away :-)

  9. Hi Kid...
    Just lifting good thoughts your way and hoping that they will find you feeling better! Keep that fighting can win this battle! We all prayed for you at group last week and are expecting God to answer and work in a mighty way. You have touched each of us by your kind spirit and brave endurance. Don't give up, kick butt! Love ya! Diane
