Sunday, February 9, 2025

February 9th, 2025 - 13 years over due post

 Wow. Where to begin. I guess I will start off by explaining that I thought this blog of mine disappeared years ago. However, I decided to recently do a double check on Google for it. Why now? Well, I recently stumbled upon a TV series “Scamanda”. While watching the first episode of this series I had a complete breakdown. The main character “Amanda” is scamming people by claiming to need money to undergo treatment for advanced Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Yup. The same disease that nearly took my life almost 15 years ago and which I still live with some side effects from (both physically and mentality). I always will. This woman. Amanda did this by using an elaborate blog and tugging on the heart-strings of loving people in her community. Watching this show made me physically ill and I wanted to punch my TV. 

But once I pulled myself together something dawned on me. I never got a chance to finish my story, MY REAL story. I thought it was gone from the world. But it was here all along! So just a quick update. I am one of the luckiest people on earth. I have been cancer-free for almost 15 years! I am overall healthy. I have lived to see my son grow up, graduate college with his bachelor’s in aeronautical engineering, he’s now married and I will be a grandmother in July! I am truly blessed. So to all those that prayed for me and sent me all the positive vibes and kind words, I cannot thank you enough! And my family can’t thank you enough! ❤️