Wow, what a week! Lots of stuff accomplished. On Tuesday, as expected I went in for my bone marrow test, and got the results of my PET Scan. The PET scan showed no
surprises! Cancer was only where it was expected.
After that news I wasn't even that nervous about the bone marrow test. I was so elated, I figured I could take anything! Well that only lasted for the first 5 shots in the rear. By the time the doc started "drilling" through the bone for the marrow, I was feeling it! Extremely painful, but my step-sister (who happens to be an oncology nurse), was there with me to talk me through it.
Then on Wednesday I had my very first Chemo. I had a side effect to one of the
meds which left me short of breath and a little scared, but the doctor and the nurses where right by my side and handle everything wonderfully. I really can't say enough about the wonderful staff at my
NYOH office.
Afterwards I slept most of the day and night. Had horrible chills and flu like symptoms, but slept so much I didn't spend much time noticing them. Little to no
Thursday brought much of the same, except much less fatigue. I was able to go to work, I just took some
advil and was able to make it through to 2pm at which point I drove home and went right to bed.
Today I made it through the whole day at work. Flu like symptoms are gone. But for some reason, I was slightly more
nauseous then the previous days (thank God for good drugs, I used them all today!) I still seem to tire easily, but I expected this.
I also have more good news to report, my bone marrow test came back negative! So I am,
in fact, 2B. I am ready to fight! I only wish I could do Chemo every week instead of every other!
Let's get it out!